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Escape the daily hustle and bustle and join us at AP Cabanas Beach & Nature for a rejuvenating Mind Detox Retreat. Our aim is to alleviate the disturbances caused by toxic elements we absorb and restore the harmony between body and mind. In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s becoming increasingly important to set aside time for self-care. That’s why our resort has meticulously designed a program featuring a range of wellness activities, spa treatments, and a balanced dietary plan for these days of retreat.

The Mind Detox Retreat commences on the 19th with a welcome cocktail, followed by a nutrition lecture and dinner.

On the 20th, you’ll have the chance to start your day with meditation, followed by breakfast and a sensory walk, allowing you to consciously engage with your surroundings. After lunch, there will be a yoga class and sound healing session – a therapeutic practice that employs sounds to enhance physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The day concludes with dinner.

On the 21st, after breakfast, a stretching class is scheduled, along with an emotional aromatherapy workshop. This educational and practical experience explores how essential oils can be used to promote emotional balance, mental well-being, and overall health. During the afternoon, you can enjoy aquapilates, a variation of traditional Pilates carried out in water, and “body and mind,” a practice that emphasizes the harmony and integration between the body and mind.

The program wraps up with a leisurely morning on the final day, allowing you to relish the beach, pool, or other activities around the hotel.

Throughout these days, you’ll have access to a specialized meal plan, offering balanced and locally sourced cuisine, in a designated area separate from other hotel guests. Additionally, the retreat provides unlimited access to the gym and includes 2 spa treatments per person.

This package is priced at €450 for double occupancy rooms or €600 for single occupancy, with a maximum capacity of 16 participants.

Discover the Detox & Mind Program here.

For More Information and Reservations, Please Contact:


Phone: +351 289 540 146