Earth Day
Did you know that all hotels of AP Hotels & Resorts group have Green Key certification, implemented in Portugal by the European Blue Flag Association, which promotes Sustainable Tourism in Portugal through the recognition of tourist establishments, which implement good environmental and social practices, which value environmental management in their establishments and which promote environmental education for sustainability?
All hotels of the group also have chargers for electric cars and we sort waste, separated by type, namely: plastic, glass, cardboard and urban solid waste and forwarded and deposited in an appropriate place.
In the group’s newest hotel, the AP Cabanas Beach & Nature, being the first hotel built from scratch by the group, it was also assigned the overall energy classification A+, there is also recycling of rainwater for watering green spaces, a system of collection, treatment and storage of water for reuse of the same, the reuse of thermal energy dissipated for heating sanitary water and swimming pools, 100% lighting with high performance LED technology and the implementation of a system to monitor and act on consumption in real time.
May we all contribute to preserve natural resources, the environment and the sustainability of this planet.