Philosophical Coffee at AP Maria Nova Lounge takes place on October 20
It is on the 20th of October that the Philosophical Cafe returns for another edition with Doctor Maria João Neves and, this time, with the participation of the Regional Director of Culture, Professor Doctor Adriana Nogueira.
This month the theme will be “Pessoa philosopher and the metaphysics of Dr. Mora”, Fernando Pessoa that we know so well, but that many do not know that he deliberately wrote philosophical texts and created a heteronym devoted to metaphisics: Dr. António Mora.
In the last edition, Maria João Neves Ph.D. spoke to us about some of the philosophical implications that exist both in classical and quantum physics, and in this edition she will analyze how Pessoa as Dr. Mora approached the subject.
Maria João Neves, Ph.D. has several books and scientific articles published and in 2006 she started her philosophical practice. She holds a Ph.D. in Contemporary Philosophy.
Join us around 6:30 pm at the AP Maria Nova Lounge.
To apply: filosofiamjn@gmail.com
Contribution: 5 euros