
Responsabilidade Social AP Hotels and Resorts

AP Hotels & Resorts Group supports four institutions this Christmas

As has been tradition, the hotel group’s staff got together at its Christmas Party to collect donations for various local associations.
The associations supported this year were MAPS, an institution that gives support to the homeless, drug addicts, children at risk and homeless children, families in need and women who are victims of abuse, CATRAIA, a temporary shelter centre for minors, GAIVOTA, a shelter home for young people, and the Association for the Protection of Girls and Families, which supports families in need and children at risk. Second-hand clothes and scond-hand toys were delivered to all these institutions, except for MAPS, to which several food products were delivered. In total, 105 children and young people were helped, not counting the children supported by MAPS, whose number is very high, making their Christmas happier.
This action, and others carried out throughout the year, demonstrates the commitment and social responsibility of the AP Hotels & Resorts Group towards society.